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NOTE: For engravings, the names (if any) are assumed to be: lower left; the illustrator, lower right; the engraver.

Engraving: “Catching Turtle.” In “Cruise of the Essex” in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. XIX, August, 1859, pp.289-310. New York: Harper Brothers.
ca. 1890
Engraving: “View in King Charles Island, one of the Galapagos Group.” In Robert Brown's The Countries of the World, Being a Popular Description of the Various Continents, Islands, Rivers, Seas, and People of the Globe. Volume III: Central America; South America. London: Cassell Petter & Galpin.

Watercolors from the artist's original color proofs of fish taken in Galápagos. In To Galápagos on the Ara (Vanderbilt).

de Bérard, Evremond [engraver, with various illustrators] Info
Five Engravings in Collins: All Round the World.
ca. 1880
Albemarle Island. London(?): Source unknown.
Archipiélago de Galápagos ― Aguada de la Isla Cárlos. Source unknown.
Compare de Berard, Bull and Lemaître engravings.

Drawings of old and new lighthouses at Isla San Cristóbal.
See also Ralph Stock for lighthouse photo.

Engravings based on Galápagos drawings by Midshipman Philip Gidley King. In FitzRoy: Narrative of the Surveying Voyages …
Compare Bull, de Berard and Lemaître engravings.

Painting: HMS Beagle in the Galápagos, plus background source sketch, modern composite photo.
Background details about painting at

Sketches of island profiles. In A Voyage to the South Sea.

Giant Land Iguana, Plate VI in William Beebe's Galápagos: World's End.

Prometheus en Isla Wolf. After Henry Fuseli (1741-1825).

Engraving: Wild Bull Shooting in the Galapagos Islands. In February 24 Supplement, p. 160 — The same illustration appeared in the Illustrated London News, March 10, p. 228.
See also JPEG2000 image.

Engraving: Gigantic Land Tortoise,—A Present for Her Majesty. In July 13 issue.

ca. 1850
Engravings Iles Gallapagos: Aiguade dans L'Ile Chatam and Ile Charles. Paris: Publisher unknown.
Compare Lemaître, Bull and de Berard engravings.

Engraving “Giant Tortoises of the Galapagos Islands.” In The Royal Natural History. Volume V: Reptiles and Fishes. 6 Volumes. London: Frederick Warne & Co.

Lithographs of Post Office Bay. In Petit-Thouars' L'Atlas Pittoresque.

Pouncy, Benjamin Thomas & William Alexander
Engraving: “Albemarle Island, the Westernmost of the Gallapagos Isles, Cape Berkeley.” In Atlas accompanying Vancouver's Voyage of Discovery.
Ship's position, according to details on engraving.
See also MrSID image.

Sketch of Kicker Rock. In A Narrative of the Briton's Voyage to Pitcairn's Island.

Ex Libris Book Plate created for Captain George Allan Hancock, showing his Velero III. Aircraft symbolizes the Allan Hancock College of Aeronautics.

Centerfold cartoon of “The Rock” from the The Caribbean Breeze. Vol. 4, No. 10 (November). New Orleans, LA: Sixth Air Force.

ca. 1870
Caricatures of Darwin and his circle. London: Vanity Fair.

Cartoons of Huxley and Darwin. London: Punch magazine.

1884, 95
Coins countermarked “RA,” initials of Rogerio Alvarado.

Darwin £10 Note. London: Bank of England.

Plaque commemorating his July visit to Galápagos.

Darwin Medallion” commissioned by von Hagen and presented to President Velasco Ibarra.—JW.

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MrSID image format.
JPEG 2000 image format.

Map: Galápagos Islands, Surveyed by Captain FitzRoy, R. N. and the Officers of H. M. S. Beagle, 1836. With corrections to 1926.

Map: Chart of the Galapagos, Surveyed in the Merchant-Ship Rattler, and Drawn by Capt: James Colnett, of the Royal Navy.

ca. 1530
Vellum Chart: Pacific coast from Guatemala to Northern Perú.

Map: The Gallapagos Islands Discovered and Described by Capt. Cowley in 1684.
Map: A New & Accurate Map of Mexico or New Spain together with California, New Mexico &c.

Portrait of Abraham Ortelius. See also Ortelius below.

Engraving: Wild Bull Shooting in the Galapagos Islands. (Supplement to February 24 issue)

Map: A Map of the World Shewing the Course of Mr. Dampier's Voyage Round it. From 1679 to 1691.
Map: A New & Exact Map of the Coast, Countries and Islands within ye Limits of ye South Sea Company.

Map: Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio.

Pouncy, Benjamin Thomas & William Alexander
Engraving: “Albemarle Island, the Westernmost of the Gallapagos Isles, Cape Berkeley.” In Atlas accompanying Vancouver's Voyage of Discovery.

Engraving of Prince Giolo. See also Prince Giolo below.

Map: Pacific Ocean, Special Map, Galapagos Islands, Seymour Island.
Aerial photo of island.

Map: Pacific Ocean, Galapagos Islands, Baltra Island. From a Survey by U. S. S. Bowditch in 1942. [First edition, apparent source for U. S. Army map above.—JW.]

Map: U. S. Naval Base, South Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands.

NOTE: Movies require Windows Media Player or equivalent.


Silent Film Clip: Captain Hancock and Iguana.


Silent Film Clip: The Baroness and Robert Philippson on Isla Floreana.


Film Clip: U. S. Military Service Club, South Seymour Island, Galápagos Islands. From “The Rock: Galápagos en la II Guerra Mundial.”

Photos of Astor's Nourmahal crew and local residents taken in Galápagos, probably on Isla San Cristóbal [further details unknown].

Photos taken by New York photographers George Kadel & [?] Herbert, on return of the Harrison Williams Galápagos Expedition.

Portrait of Bishop Berlanga in Panama Cathedral.

Photo of the Conways. In The Enchanted Islands.

Portrait of Robert Dampier. In To the Sandwich Islands on H. M. S. Blonde.


Engraving by Moore (first name unknown), in April 18 Harper's Weekly.
Bust by William Couper. New York: American Museum of Natural History. Images #5296 (left), #32287 (right).
Monument, Isla San Cristóbal.
ca. 1990
Bust at Down House.
Monument, University of Guayaquil.
Link to Cambridge University's Christ's College website page with photo of Darwin bust at the College.

Dolinger, Jane (photographer)
Unidentified San Cristóbal fisherman, questioned about disappearance of the Baroness.


Engraving of Prince Giolo by John Savage (No connection to Galápagos, but brought to England by William Dampier and included here for general interest).

Photos of Officers, Crew and Scientists from Hancock Expeditions to Galápagos.

ca. 1935
Photo of Alf Kastdalen. © Jacob Lundh.

Photos taken by various visitors to Isla San Cristóbal.

United Airlines press release photo [sic, Philip Lord in accompanying photo legend]. Stamped May 10, 1935 date is incorrect. See Chronology of the Seth Parker Voyage for more details.

Lorenz, Rudolph & Trygve Nuggerud
Photos taken on Islas Floreana and Marchena.

Portrait of Gerard Mercator (left) and Jacob Hondius.

ca. 1579
Portrait of Abraham Ortelius by Philip Galle. See also Galle above.


ca. 1925

Photo of Dore Strauch, December 25. © John Garth.


Dr. Ritter's home on Charles Island.

ca. 1933
Galápagos tortoise at Bermuda Government Aquarium. Gift of Vincent Astor. Further details unknown.

WWII artifacts found on Islas Enderby and Genovesa.

Galápagos Photos.
See also John Garth's photos of Lorenz & Nuggerud.

Retaining wall on Isla Isabela. In Writing on Walls.

Remains of “Tom” the Galápagos tortoise at Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia. © 2003, Anthony Hill.

Photos taken during visit of ship Zavorah.

Casa “Miramar” ca. 1943 & 2005. [2005 photo courtesy Matthew James].

NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Satellite images of various small islands, viewed via Google Earth.

Progreso, Isla San Cristóbal.

Aerial Photos of various islands, taken by Heidi Snell.
Pottery fragments found on Islas San Salvador & San Cristóbal.

Photos at Isla San Cristóbal.
See also Bognoly & Espinosa for lighthouse drawings.

Photos and other items from WWII occupation of Galápagos Islands.
P-40C Plane Crash on Isla Seymour Norte.
LB-30 Plane Crash on Isla Pinzón.
1943, 59
Aerial Photos from mapping missions by U. S. Army Air Forces (U. S. Air Force after 1947).
Photos from “Galapagos Oasis” in Caribbean Breeze, February, Vol. V., No. 2, pp.14-15.
1959, 2007
Comparison of “S. O. S.” sign on Isla Seymour Norte. 1959: U. S. Army mapping mission; 2007: google earth image.
2002, 05
Remains of barges at Playa Las Bachas, Isla Santa Cruz.

Possible grave site of Lt. John S. Cowan, in Field Monograph of Galapagos Islands. Washington: U. S. Navy Department Office of Naval Intelligence.

Photos taken in Galápagos.
Gravesite of Cobos Family in Guayaquil.
Grave of Capt. Pringle Stokes, HMS Beagle, near Port Famine, Chile.
Photos from several cruises.
Death in Galápagos. Mother Nature is not always nice, so avoid these photos if you think Galápagos is part of DisneyLand.

ca. 1920
Postcard showing lighthouse keeper's shack on Isla San Cristóbal. The “AZO” and triangle arrangement on back indicate postcard was printed between 1918 and 1930.

Envelopes with a Darwin, California postmark of February 12 (Charles Darwin's birthdate).

Postage Stamps issued to commemorate centenary of Darwin's visit to Galápagos.
Compare 1932 palm tree photo in J. F. Schimpff article with 2 Sucre postage stamp.
Piratas dell Golfo y Galápagos” postage stamps and first-day covers issued December 29 at Islas San Cristóbal and Santa Cruz.

Envelope & photo of PBY “Catalina.”

Letter & envelope placed in Post Office Barrel on January 29, picked up by the Leon Mandel — Field Museum Expedition on the yacht Carola and mailed from Peru on February 27. Foster apparently visited Margret Wittmer, as the envelope bears one of her stamped postmarks.

Envelope carried on maiden voyage of first Galápagos tourist ship, mailed from Isla Santa Cruz.

Captain G. Allan Hancock at the Post Office Barrel, January 24, 1938. Photo courtesy John Garth.

Envelope addressed to Captain G. Allan Hancock, from Rudolph Lorenz' brother Karl. Contents unknown. Postmark shows day (26) and year (34), but month is unknown.

Panagra (Pan American-Grace Airways)
Envelope postmarked October 20 to inaugurate Panagra air service from Ecuador. Galápagos stamps on rear of envelope.

Postcard: Photo of Galápagos Insurrectionists.

Envelopes with enclosed notes, sent from Post Office Bay & Wreck Bay to his San Diego home.

Map & photos of Post Office Barrel, Post Office Bay, Isla Floreana.

15 April Letter and Statement pertaining to the disappearance and search for Saydee Reiser on Isla Floreana, and gravesite photo.

Postcard: HMS Lancaster crew members at Post Office barrel, Charles Island, November 28.

Envelopes posted from locations along Eastern coast of United States, Haiti, Panama, Tahiti and American Samoa. [Envelopes after American Samoa were posted in 1936, long after the voyage was prematurely abandoned in April, 1935.]
Undated letter enclosed in some envelopes.

U. S. S. Chicago
Envelope postmarked June 8 with “galapagos island” in killer bars.
3rd Presidential Cruise of the U. S. S. Houston
Envelope mailed from Post Office Barrel by crewmember(?) E. J. Rall.
Envelopes postmarked on return voyage to U. S. A.
U. S. S. Clark
Envelope postmarked July 15 with “mare island: calif” in killer bars.
U. S. S. Erie
Envelope postmarked December 13 with “post office bay: galapagos” in killer bars.
U. S. S. S-45 (submarine).
Envelope mailed from Post Office Barrel by commanding officer Lieutenant Ian C. Eddy, picked up by Vanderbilt yacht Pioneer.
NOTE: Information about the ships listed above may be found on the “Ships” page.

Postmarks used by Margret Wittmer.

Postcard from Lotte Hass to Dr. Hugo Mauerhofer.
See also ship photo on postcard.