Bibliography Texts

Drømmen om Galapagos
(The Galápagos Dream)

Stein Hoff

This is the beginning of the English translation of the Norwegian original. The translation was done by Mrs. Friedel Horneman, with subsequent editing by Professor Robert I. Bowman. A footnote is indicated by a bracketed “§” symbol in red within the text. Hover the mouse pointer over the symbol to display the footnote. Parts I - III are completed. Work on Part IV (images, captions, footnotes and editing) is still in progress.—JW.

Table of Contents
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
Shipwreck of the Bark Alexandra The Pilot Cutter from Sandefjord “Campo Noruego” on San Cristóbal “ … about 75% happy with life”
Olaf Eilertsen, Aug. F. and La Compania de Floreana The Colony at Santa Cruz Expeditions That Were Never Realized The Thalassa Tragedy
Kristiania: Journalists on Floreana With Ulva Across the Atlantic Skipper Bruun “Plantation at your Disposal”
Hopes and Delays The Sad Journey of Alatga Dr. Ritter, the Baroness, and the Tragedy of Trygve Nuggerud The Guldberg Family
Towards Galápagos Randall's Galápagos Expedition   El Rey de Patatas—The Potato King
The Colony at Post Office Bay   Epilogue