American Weekly, 1932
The Little Thatched Hut Built by Mr. Schimpff Covers Up the Entrance to One of the Caves, Which Was Entered From the Rear of the Hut.
“Charles Island Care, May 18, 193?” Photo N9447 from the Templeton Crocker Collection, Californial Academy of Sciences Special Collections.
Left: From J. F. Schimpff's American Weekly feature.
Right: Crocker photo for comparison purposes.
Photograph of the Picturesque Palm-Fringed Tropical Beach at Post Office Bay.
Left: The original Robinson Crusoe, From German Woodcut Published in 1836.
Right: Mr. J. F. Schimpff.
Dr. Frederick Ritter and Fraulein Dore Koerwin.
Left: The “Adam” and “Eve” on Floraana Island as They Were Photographed by Commander McDonald, Whose Yacht Stopped at the Island.
Diagram Drawn by Mr. Schimpff.
Showing Hut Built at Entrance of the Cave He Occupied and the Old Pirate Fireplace, and Also How the Cave Was Made Use of by Him.
Pencil Sketch of the Pirates' Caves, Drawn by Mr. Schimpff.
There are Several Caves, Each With Its Own Entrance. The Little Thatched Hut Built by Mr. Schimpff Covers Up the Entrance to One of the Caves, Which Was Entered from the Rear of the Hut.
Pictorial Map of the Island of Floreana.
Showing Post Office Bay, Dr. Ritter's Hut, the Pirate Caves, Wild Goats, Donkeys, Jungle, Etc. This Map was drawn by Mr. Schimpff, the Modern Robinson Crusoe, Who Writes the Accompanying Article.