Bibliography Texts

The Last Days of a Paradise

Jacob P. Lundh

Table of Contents
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
     Preface VIII: Return to Paradise XIII. The Governors XVIII. Date Palms, Wild Goats, Spiny Lobsters
I: Watkin's Oasis IX. Elections 1960 XIV. The Colonization of San Cristóbal XIX. The Early Inhabitants of Santa Cruz
II: The Ghosts of Post Office Bay X. At the Mercy of Wind and Current XV. Of Treasures and Other Things XX. Life of the Settlers
III. The Tragic Year XI. Life in Puerto Baquerizo XVI. The Franciscan Missionaries XXI. The Quest for Salt
IV. The Haven of Peace XII. The Americans Arrive XVII. Tourists and Scientists XXII. The Island of the Buccaneers
V. The Early Settlers XXIII. Of Tortoises and Cacti
VI. The Search for Saydee Reiser XXIV. Goodbye to Paradise
VII. Farewell, Floreana


All rights to the present work belong to the author. You are however welcome to use any part of it provided you mention its source, a courtesy I would expect from anybody who is provided with free access to another's work. I hope you enjoy reading this and find it interesting and useful. Any comments you may have are appreciated.

I would like to thank my daughter, designer Ingrid Lundh, and our mutual friend photographer Erik Thallaug for their offer to help me with the copying of slides and other photographic material for these pages, which will be used in the future.—J. P. Lundh.



We shall mention here only a few works about the Galápagos Islands which could be of interest to those who wish to find out a little more about the islands. The most extensive bibliography I have come across until now is that by Carlos Manuel Larrea, in his El Archipiélago de Colón. The edition I have is the second one, dated in 1960, and has a bibliography of 117 pages. Since then, much has been written about the islands, so this, extensive though it is, would probably cover only half the material that has been published until today. Some of the titles that follow will however serve as a good introduction for those who wish to increase their knowledge about these islands.

Andersson, N.J.
Optegnelser paa en reise rundt jorden, 1851 - 1853. Cappelen, Christiania. A Norwegian translation of the letters written by Prof. Andersson during his voyage around the world on His Swedish Majesty's Frigate Eugenie.
Bognoli, J.A. & Espinosa, J.M.
Las Islas Encantadas. Guayaquil. This book has for many years been difficult to get hold of. It contains much material of historic interest, especially about the murder of Manuel J. Cobos and Governor Leonardo Reina in 1904
Bowman, R.I.
Morphological Differentiation and Adaptation in Galápagos Finches. University of California Publications in Zoology. Vol. 58. Uni. of Calif. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. This is the most exhaustive work on Darwin's finches and of great interest to those interested in the evolution and adaption of species.
Darwin, C.R.
The Voyage of the Beagle. J.M. Dent & Sons, London, 1979. There are many earlier and later editions of this book, in many languages
Dawson, E.Y.
“Cacti of the Galápagos Islands and of Coastal Ecuador.” Reprint from the Cactus and Succulent Journal of America. Vol. XXXIV Nos. 3 and 4. These two papers complete and update the classification of Galápagos cacti, a most interesting group of plants.
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I.
Survey of the Galápagos Islands. Unesco Missions Report No. 8. Paris. An excellent introduction to the fauna of the islands and the problems around their protection
Harris, M.
A Field Guide of the Birds of Galápagos. Collins, London. An excellent illustrated guide that is useful both to the professional and the amateur.
Hoff, S.
Drømmen om Galápagos. Grøndahl & Sønn, Oslo. This is the history of the Norwegian settlers in the islands, the only one existing at present. Very well written, well illustrated and absolutely trustworthy. Unfortunately it is only obtainable in Norwegian. An English translation by the late Mrs. Elfriede Horneman exists, but has not yet been published. [Web version is now available.—JW]
Larrea, C. M.
El Archipiélago de Colón. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana. Second Edition. Quito. The book contains a great amount of historical information and an extensive bibliography. It is a very valuable and reliable source. There is a later edition that is supposed to have come out in Mexico.
Lundh, Jacob
Recuerdos de las Islas Encantadas. Letras del Ecuador. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana. Quito. Historical, mainly dealing with the 1920's and 1930's.
Viaje por las Islas Encantadas. Vistazo. March 1966. Guayaquil. A general description of the inhabited islands.
“Apuntes sobre las Islas Galápagos.” In Revista del Colegio Vicente Rocafuerte No. 74, pgs. 44-89. Guayaquil. A general introduction to Galápagos, which was used for a long time as a text for teaching local geography and history in some Galápagos schools.
“A brief account of some early inhabitants of Santa Cruz Island.” In Noticias de Galápagos No. 55. Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galápagos Islands. A short account of the earliest known inhabitants of Santa Cruz.
“Insidious Invaders.” In Noticias de Galápagos No. 59. C.D.F.G. An introduction to the problem of small animals that have been brought to the islands accidentally in the course of the years. The author has written about the islands in other publications, including a few articles in Noticias that are not mentioned here.
Perry, R.
The Galápagos Islands. Dodd, Mead & Co. New York. Dr. Perry was director of the Charles Darwin Research Station during seven years, and his book is an entertaining and short introduction, especially to the fauna.
Island Days. Minerva Press. The first part of this book is about the Galápagos Islands. The whole book is very interesting and gives insights into the author's life in Galápagos, the Line Islands and Tristan da Cunha.
Slevin, J.
The Galápagos Islands: A History of their Exploration. Occ. Papers Calif. Acad. Scie. No. 25. S. Francisco. A historical work that covers from the Spanish discovery to the scientific expeditions of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. His rather brief information about Norwegian settlers is however totally misleading.
Snow, D. W.
The Giant Tortoises of the Galápagos Islands. Oryx Vol. VII No. 6. A brief introduction to the giant tortoises and their status on the eve of the Darwin Station's conservation program. Dr. Snow was director at the Darwin Research Station before Dr. Perry took over.
Stewart, A.
A Botanical Survey of the Galápagos Islands. Proc. Calif. Acad. Scie. 4th Ser. Vol I No.2. S. Francisco. Until 1971 this was the most complete work on the botany of the islands. It is still of great interest, especially because it gives the altitudes at which the different island plants are found.
Swarth, H. S.
The Avifauna of the Galápagos Islands. Occ. Papers Calif. Acad. Scie. XVIII. S. Francisco. A very useful work for the ornithologist, based mainly on the extensive collections at the California Academy of Sciences.
Van Denburgh, J.
The Giant Land Tortoises of Galápagos Archipelago. Proc. Calif. Acad. Scie. 4th Ser. Vol. II Pt. 1 No. 10. S. Francisco. This is the most detailed work that exists about these reptiles. It is based manily on the large collections of the California Academy of Sciences and the field notes taken during their capture. The 4th Series also includes papers on the snakes and geckos, both by Van Denburgh, and one about the lava lizards and the island iguanas, written by Van Denburgh and Joseph Slevin.
Wiggins, I. & Porter, D.
Flora of the Galápagos Islands. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif. An encyclopedic work about the vascular plants of Galápagos, written by 28 specialists. Richly illustrated, mainly with ink drawings.
Wittmer, M.
Postlagernd Floreana. Verlag Heinrich Scheffler. Frankfurt am Main. There is at least one English edition. The book is of great interest as it gives an excellent description of life in Galápagos and the problems the settlers had to face in the 1930's and 1940's.

Since the 1960's, there has been much published about the islands, especially scientific papers. What has been written for the general public is, now as before, not to be taken at face value, though it must be admitted that most articles and books only have unimportant errors, something to be expected when people write about exotic regions they visit for a very limited time. The photographic material is nowadays invariably good.

Two websites are of interest. One of them is the site of the Darwin Foundation, which tells about their activities in Galápagos and includes several articles about the islands, including some by this author (http://www.darwinfoundation. org). The other is one about the Galápagos Islands and their history, belonging to Mr. John Woram: It is highly recommended.