Route of the Puerto Eden
Puerto Montt to Puerto Natales
14-17 February, 2000
Click anywhere on the map to view an enlargement. Indicated locations are based on waypoints determined by Garmin III Plus GPS and transferred to scanned map with Fugawi map software.
Puerto Eden photos

Pt. Eden
Garmin website
Fugawi website

top center bottom

Prior to our Puerto Eden voyage down the west coast of Chile, a map of the general area was scanned and saved as a JPEG file. To keep file size/download time to a minimum, the strip map to the left is a reduction of the scanned file. Several times a day during the voyage, the Garmin III Plus determined and stored our position as a waypoint. Later on, the previously-scanned map was loaded into Fugawi's “Moving Map Software for GPS Receivers” and the waypoints were then downloaded from the GPS into the mapping software. For clarity, the waypoints and route were tweaked in Adobe Photoshop and the final image was divided into three sections, which may be viewed by clicking anywhere on the map.