The small hole dug by the Houston party in 1938 was found and was enlarged to 12 feet by 12 feet by 4 feet deep, with an additional hole, 2 feet deep, in the center. At this final depth of 6 feet, a solid bed of loose clinkers was met with. It is positive that this is not the spot.
Spot near the eastern pinnacle. This lies in an open glade, in attractive surroundings, on gently sloping ground. Stones were found arranged in a square here. It was excavated over an area of 8 feet by 10 feet to a depth of 4 feet without finding anything at all.
One man, Short, from S-45, reported that he had found a blazed tree some 250 yards northeast from the northern end of the beach. We dug there [but] we found nothing at all.