Our Book List page should display a collection of book covers, such as the one you see here. If the covers are missing, you probably have an ad-monitoring application, such as AdSubtract, running in the background. It thinks these book covers represent ads, and so it prevents your browser from displaying them.

Here's how to display the book covers, using AdSubtract as an example. If you're using some other ad-monitoring application, the procedure will be somewhat different of course.

  1. Find the AdSubtract icon on the TaskBar, as shown here in Figure 1.
  2. Right-click on the icon and select the “Open Control Panel” option, also seen in Figure 1.
  3. Select the “Filters” tab (Figure 2).
  4. Click on the “Add” button, type galapagos.to in the “Domain Name” box (Figure 3) and click on the OK button.
  5. Highlight galapagos.to in the “Custom Sites Filter” list (Figure 2) and clear the checkbox next to “Advertisements” (outlined in red in the Figure).
  6. Click the OK button at the bottom of the Control Panel window to finish the job.

  7. Above: Figure 1
    Right: Figure 2
    Below: Figure 3